And I don’t mean Bush, Cheney and those lying bastards—they will never apologize. I’m talking about your neighbor, friend, roommate, co-worker—we can’t let these folks off the hook so easily. If we do……if we don’t force them to reflect upon what they helped bring about, this is going to happen again and again. On the other hand, if we can compel them to at least question their support for the war, maybe they will think about it next time…..maybe.
So I urge all my fellow leftists to try and get at least one or two individuals to apologize for the Iraq War—and to also encourage them to think about the futility of war, death, violence, and all the other issues that come with it.
In order to help you out, I have drawn up a “cheat sheet” that you can use when talking to your Republican/conservative friends.
you (leftist): Hi Mary/Joe. How are you? I hope you are having a good day. How's the family? Remember when the Iraq War started--you supported it and I didn't. And while I am not trying to rub it in, I do think you ought to apologize in some way for the disastrous and fucked-up policies which you supported. It will make you feel better, and might make you think twice about supporting dumb-ass policies in the future. I would like to help. So why not apologize to me since I am one of those unpatriotic, dirty-hippies who was against the war from the beginning. And if you can’t think of quite the right words Mary/Joe, here are some of the specific things that you might apologize for:
-For calling my fellow citizens unpatriotic just because they were voicing their sincere beliefs against military action. I am sorry and now understand that they are just as patriotic as I am—maybe even more.
-For not questioning the lying bastards in the Bush White House. Questioning authority is one of the primary tenants of a democracy. I should always remember what the great journalist I.F. Stone used to say, “governments lie.”
-For not demanding clear evidence from my elected officials and leaders. It is now absolutely clear that: there were no WMD, and there was no link between Iraq and 9/11. I should have demanded evidence much earlier.

-For ever watching Fox.
-For not considering peace and negotiations as viable alternatives. I will keep those options in mind next time.
-For letting fear take over for simple logic. I now realize this is what Bush and the others in the military-industrial complex will always want me to do—and I fell for it. What a dumb fuck I am!
-For not understanding history. I guess I skipped those days when my teacher talked about America as an imperialistic power. I now know that all that “make the world safe for democracy” crap is a fairy tale and always has been.
-For buying into the cut-and-run rhetoric and all the other Bush-Rove sound bites. I should be ashamed of myself. I though Bush was a uniter, not a divider. Again, what a dumb fuck I am.
-For cheering when the United States drops bombs and other military hardware on innocent people from other nations. I am most ashamed of this and probably should apologize to the entire world.
-For buying into nationalism and other religious and cultural propaganda that American leaders use to divide us from people around the globe. I now realize that being an American, or a christian, or being white--doesn't give me any particular insights into what is best for others in the world.