Why do this? Why wreck a promising political career over something so trivial. I don't quite understand. I have no real moral qualms with Spitzer's behavior--I have stupidity issues though. I hope if he does resign, he doesn't blame it all on a momentary moral lapse. He should hold a press conference and just admit that he is a dumb-ass.
Of course, we all know you don't have to be smart to hold high office. But Spitzer apparently earned a perfect score on his LSAT--he should have known better. President Bush, on the other hand, (a perfect example of a moron elected to a high of office) is simply not very smart. If I discovered that Bush hired a prostitute, I am not sure what my reaction would be. I guess it would at least keep him out of the Oval Office for a few minutes.
One more thing--Spitzer spent $5000.00 on this bimbo. What do you get for that price? Maybe I'm too old, but I can't imagine how one would get his money's worth from this tryst. Any ideas on this? Please let me know.
And maybe I shouldn't use the word bimbo for a $5000.00 prostitute. I should have more respect.